Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Twins and Idol

The Twins won their third straight last night with a 5-4 victory over Oakland. I was able to stay up for most of the game, but couldn't make it to the end.

Three Stars:
Craig Monroe - 3 for 4, 2B, HR, 3 RBI, 2 R. Apparently, Monroe has always had Blanton's number. All it took was one night of Blanton to get Monroe's average back up to .300.
Delmon Young - 2 for 4, 2B, R. Young was this close to getting his first HR. But instead settled for his first extra base hit of the year. He's been giving decent at-bats, but has still (predictably) only taken 3 walks -- and that's disturbing.
The Bullpen - 3 IP, H, BB, 5 K, W, H, SV. The design is to hand the ball over to the bullpen with an opportunity to win the game. As long as they can keep it up, this year could be quite promising!

They play another late one tonight, so chances are there won't be an update until tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow night, LOST returns with a new episode. In my opinion, the best hour of TV all week comes when LOST is on.

Less importantly, American Idol will be down to 5 after this week. I'm starting to wonder about this show and how much pressure the network puts on the judges. Clearly, David Archuleta has singing ability, but when you screw up the lines, the judges need to point that out. But apparently, the judges are under pressure to deliver the "All-David Final" with Carly coming in a close third.

How it should be tonight: David C, Syesha and Carly should be safe. David A and Brooke sweat it out. Jason goes home.

How it's going to be tonight: Davids and Carly are safe. Syesha and David survive the Bottom 3. Brooke goes home.

I guess we'll see later tonight.


Tim said...

Thank goodness Carly is gone. She's painful to watch/listen to/look at.

Jeremy said...

Amen brother!